Meeting Summary
The remaining six members of the town council were unable to agree on a replacement for former Mayor Gary Lebsack, who had resigned at the May 1 meeting.
The town agreed to allow Comcast to provide internet service to the town.
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Meeting Notes
NOTES FROM JOHNSTOWN city council, May 15, at Town Hall
Via Johnstown Facebook video
Began at: 7:00 p.m.
Present: Councilors (as seated on the dais, l-r) Jesse Molinar, Jr., (a vacant chair), Damien Berg, Mayor Troy Mellon , Chad Young, Dianne Morris, and Vanessa Dominguez.
Also present were Town Manager Matt Le Cerf, Town Clerk Hannah Hill, Planning and Development Director Kim Meyer, the chief of police, town attorney and other staff.
2:12 into the meeting.
Mayor Mallon said he was removing the Purvis Farm Subdivision from the consent agenda, because “They’re just having too many problems right now.” He referred it to the attention of the town manager and attorney.
Public comments: One of the neighbors to the Purvis Farm Division complained about the blowing dirt, two generations of tall weeds, and water drainage issues.
A new resident suggested that a cell phone tower be camouflaged to look like a pine tree or church steeple. The mayor noted it was in the county, not Johnstown.
Another resident complained about potholes, mentioning County Road 3, south of U.S. 34 and Poplar Street. The mayor said some are in the county, but the town is “making every effort” to fix numerous potholes, after recent rain/hail storms.
Consent agenda:
The council approved the following ordinances:
Ordinance No. 2023-248 Repealing Articles I-VIII of Chapter 6 and Readopting Articles I-IV of Chapter 6 of the Johnstown Municipal Code. Article I dealt with business licenses; Article II and III dealt with fireworks and fireworks displays; Article IV addressed auctions. Article V dealing with skating rinks, merry-go-rounds, shows, and exhibition solicitors would also be repealed. They are covered by other regulations. The new Articles II, III, and IV would address solicitors, tree contractors, and short-term rentals, which more people are requesting. Source: packet for May 15 council meeting
Ordinance 2023-249 amending Article XII of Chapter 10 of the Johnstown Municipal Code-This will clarify new definitions for harassment, criminal trespass, prohibited fireworks, and tobacco sales. In particular, the lawful age to buy tobacco products is now 21 years. See Agenda packet for May 15. Second reading
Ordinance 2023-250: Cable Franchise Agreement for Comcast of Colorado, to start burying cable, primarily optic, to serve town residents.
Resolution 2023-22 Amending the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget. Because the town collected more sales taxes than expected in 2022 and, in turn, had to reimburse and $758,068 in the Tax Allocation Fund. See Agenda packet for May 15.
The town manager reported that $300,000 has been allocated for a phased installation of various “way-finding” signs in downtown Johnstown and along Hwy. 60, which leads west to east into Johnstown. Some will be illuminated, and they will follow the town branding with big J’s and the town slogan, “Local Grows Here.” Flood recovery continues after recent heavy rains and hail, aiming to have things back in order for Bar-B-Q Days and other summer events. He said the town was able to get 400 tons of rock to fix damaged areas.
The town planner presented the 17.5-acre Mountain View West Third Replat, which is planned east of the YMCA. The land was annexed in 2014, and 125 town homes are planned in 30 buildings. Meyer said developers designed more articulated building fronts and included pocket parks, off-street parking for 17 and three for Americans with Disabilities Act vehicles. Originally planned for 143 condos, Mitch Nelson, representing the developers, said it was down-sized to include 50 per cent open space. It has been approved, she noted, by the planning and zoning commission. The town council approved the replat by a voice vote. 36:00
On first reading, the council set April 2, 2024, for a city election to add a water policy to the Johnstown charter. Anyone wanting an extension of water service, annex land to the city or change the land use, would have to dedicate “a sufficient amount of acceptable raw water” to the town or give cash in lieu of that. The town’s water portfolio would have to include at least 120 per cent of the town’s annual water usage. The motion was approved.
New business
The developers of Thompson River Ranch requested a delay in completing club house and swimming pool construction, until September 30. The pool might be ready earlier, the Clayton Properties (Oakwood Homes) representative said, but lavatories and cleaning facilities might not be. He said the big problem is getting and installing electrical switching gear. Councilors encouraged the developers to extend access to the club house and pool into the fall, since so many homeowners are complaining. The extension to Sept. 30 was approved on a voice vote.
The Subdivision Development and Improvement Agreement for Mountain View West 3rd Replat, plus the water and sewer service agreement was approved by a voice vote.
The town council approved a proposal from the Thompson Crossing Metropolitan District 2, to start charging businesses in 25/34 development for using too much water to water their landscaping. To curtail overuse, the district requested permission to charge $10 for every 1,000 gallons of water over the agreed amount of water. The surcharge would go up 5 per cent each year, after which the district would seek reapproval from the town.
Board Vacancy
The remaining six members of the town council were unable to agree on one of the 13 applicants for a vacancy on the board, caused by the resignation of the previous mayor, Gary Lebsack, who was remarrying and moving to unincorporated Weld County. After five paper ballots, the council decided to meet virtually, at 5:15 p.m., Monday, May 22. They said they would interview the two remaining candidates, and follow the interviews with a virtual meeting, to choose the new member.